Aura / Energy Scan

An energy scan is a diagram of your auric energies.
When our soul locks down into a physical body there are certain connections it must make and maintain for the two systems to work together effectively. We call these energy connection points Chakras. Seven major chakras exist within the body and each center connects with and powers a different frequency of energy.
Think of your physical body as a wind instrument and your soul as the breath moving through that instrument to create a collection of sounds and frequencies. Each chakra or finger position is designed to deal with a particular energy that has its own sound, vibration, frequency and light.
These energies flow in pathways up and down your spine, from the earth to God Source and, from God Source to the earth simultaneously. Our breath drives the movement of energies up and down our spine. Every soul in a physical body plays its own unique harmony based on restrictions and flow in the system, just like a flute! This is how we feed our energy system and, our body-to-soul connection.

The quality, quantity and path of these energy flows affect the health and rotation of our chakras. If you get dirt in your flute, the sound is going to be off and eventually you will break the flute.
It's lucky for us that when our energy system breaks down in one place it will compensate in other places to keep the system operational. In our effort to control the flow of our life, ego and emotions, we have become masters of contortion. We twist and pull at our energies, drawing more on some, while repressing others. As a result, we don't flow the way we were intended to flow, as the system was designed.
We pool energy when we refuse to deal with our e-motion, when our ego fights with our higher self, when we refuse to act, when we act from fear or when we store fear, to list a few common issues. When energy sits and pools in places where it's not supposed to be, dis-ease is created. Our energy body fights this process.
Over time our system finds a comfortable way to transport energies in distortions, allowing us to avoid dealing with our issues. As the system adjusts, every system becomes unique to the wearer of it.
This is a sample of the sketch you receive with an Aura Scan.

When we're done you'll understand how your energy is working and you'll have a specific plan for transformation.
When I look at your Auric Energies I can see the detailed health of your Energy Body
I can see the flow and path between chakras, the density of the Chakra, drainage of energy off of the Chakra and any pooling that may be taking place. There are a number of factors that I look for, that can tell you a lot about yourself, your health and your energy body. I am not a doctor and am not making diagnosis. I am just observing and sharing with you, what I see.
This session is almost like a little mini course that is especially designed for you. I'll give you a diagram of how your energy is flowing and point out potential problems and dead spots (from surgeries or injury). Then I will explain in detail what is happening in each point throughout your system and explain how you can help your body with the healing process. There are things we can do to strengthen your energy body and restore your energy's health. Chakra health is critical for a long life and a well-balanced emotional, physical and spiritual outlook.
This work is best done in person.
If you are looking to accomplish specific results within your aura's energies, you may want to consider my Coaching Program or one of my courses. To learn more about Soul Energies, click here.